
Omnipresent Marketing for Realtors

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Leveraging Personal Branding for Real Estate Success

Hello everyone, I’m Christopher, a former Blackhawk helicopter instructor for the U.S. Army. Now, I find myself passionately sharing knowledge and strategies with aspiring real estate agents. One thing to understand right from the start is that no one in this field is a competitor because no one else does exactly what you do.

One key strategy I often discuss is personal branding, which is an incredibly powerful tool for real estate agents. A question I love to pose to room is: “What are some common stereotypes about real estate agents?” More often than not, answers vary from “they’re only interested in money” to “they just want to close the deal”. However, if these stereotypes become associated with your brand, you’ll struggle to build lasting relationships and secure repeat business.

Like a used car salesman with a reputation for manipulation, people might distrust you from the get-go. So, what’s the solution? It starts with understanding that you, as a real estate agent, are a business owner. Whether you’re part of a team or flying solo, you are your brand.

Consider the responsibilities of a business owner: bookkeeping, paperwork, tax management. Similarly, as a real estate agent, you have to manage these aspects of your career. Furthermore, your interactions with clients will shape their perception of you. Many may initially approach you with the preconception that you’re just there to make a sale. To change this, you must clearly and authentically communicate your brand values so that potential clients understand you’re different.

A key part of effective branding, as Chuck often emphasizes, is establishing a “know, like, and trust” relationship with your clients. The best way to build this relationship? By being omnipresent.

Being omnipresent means maintaining a presence across all social media platforms, having your face in a local magazine, or even featuring on a billboard. It’s about making a consistent, multi-channel impact. Take Nathan’s example: a client found him on Google, but only after hearing him on the radio. The trust was established before they even made contact.

So, how can you define your personal brand? Start by asking yourself some essential questions. For instance, what sets you apart from other agents? It could be your hobbies, lifestyle, or even the unique car you drive! The key is to identify these distinguishing characteristics and lean into them. They will allow you to resonate more genuinely with your audience, enabling you to build a stronger, more trusting relationship.

Remember, the goal isn’t to cater to everyone, but to find a niche that suits your personality and interests, and to serve that niche with authenticity and expertise. Your unique brand is what sets you apart in the sea of real estate agents. Embrace it, and success will follow.

Standing Out in Real Estate through YouTube

As a follow-up to our conversation on personal branding, let’s delve into the importance of differentiating yourself from other real estate agents and one effective tool to achieve that – YouTube. It’s a common pitfall for new agents to try and mirror everyone else’s strategies. Instead, the focus should be on carving out your unique identity in the marketplace.

These unique attributes that set you apart from other agents could also be the perfect starting point for your YouTube channel if you haven’t created one already. Your goal should be to provide valuable answers to questions potential clients may have.

When creating a video, I like to sit in front of the camera, pose a series of questions to myself (which I edit out later), and then respond to them. It’s a way to tap into your expertise and present it in an engaging manner. Let’s say someone asks, “How long have you been in business?” You can then share your journey, insights, and experience that led to your current position. Once the questions are edited out, your videos simply become a display of you sharing your knowledge.

YouTube videos have a unique strength as they create a feeling of intimacy, almost as if the viewer is in the room with you. Moreover, they don’t necessarily need to hear the questions to understand what you’re discussing. It’s an impactful way to connect with your audience and position yourself as a knowledgeable resource in the field.

One of the most compelling aspects of YouTube is its global reach. It’s the second-largest search engine in the world, falling just behind Google, its parent company. This relationship is beneficial for your videos’ visibility as Google uses closed captions from YouTube videos for search engine optimization (SEO).

Each word you speak in your video is transcribed and read by Google’s algorithm, contributing to your SEO. This means that your spoken content can enhance your visibility on search engine results, thus broadening your potential client base. Therefore, strategically leveraging YouTube not only highlights your unique qualities but also boosts your digital footprint, helping you stand out in a competitive real estate landscape.

Amplify Your Real Estate Brand through Multi-Channel Marketing

Building on our previous discussion about personal branding and utilizing YouTube, we now turn our attention to an important strategy – multi-channel marketing. Using various platforms to distribute your content and engage with your audience not only increases your brand’s visibility but also augments its reputation.

Once you’ve created a YouTube video, you can repurpose the content and distribute it across various platforms. When YouTube generates closed captions for your videos, these transcriptions can be used to create a blog post. Pair the blog post with an image from your video and a link back to the original content. This will drive more traffic to your website, further boosting your search engine optimization (SEO).

The practice doesn’t stop at your website and YouTube. Other platforms like Facebook and LinkedIn should also host your content, creating an interconnected web of your brand’s presence. By strategically linking your content across different platforms (what we call backlinks), you create a cohesive brand experience that is easy for potential clients to follow and interact with. Google recognizes this consistent branding and rewards it, amplifying your brand’s visibility.

Adding more platforms like Instagram or TikTok to your marketing mix, if it suits your target demographic, is advisable. In essence, one YouTube video can be the seed for multiple pieces of content, extending your reach and solidifying your brand identity.

Aside from showcasing your real estate expertise, sharing personal interests and hobbies is an effective way to connect with your audience on a more personal level. It could be anything, from playing the piano to photography. What’s essential is to utilize these interests to attract like-minded individuals, thereby building a community around your brand.

In addition to sharing your expertise and interests, consider content that educates and engages your audience about your target areas. A series of ‘list videos’ highlighting the best aspects of a particular neighborhood or city can be highly engaging. For instance, “10 Reasons to Move to Hagerstown” would involve filming at various local attractions and sharing a bit about their history or personal significance. This type of content is often sought by people considering relocation and could position you as an area expert.

If you’re unsure what questions your audience might have about a particular area or topic, utilize tools like Google or ‘Answer the Public’. These platforms can provide insights into what information people are seeking, enabling you to create content that is valuable and relevant.

Remember, your primary goal is to create consistent, engaging, and helpful content that strengthens your brand and creates a sense of trust and connection with your audience. For further queries or discussions, feel free to reach out. We’re here to guide you on your real estate branding journey.

Please Enjoy the YouTube Video that supports this post by watching below…

Written by Chris

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